Patricia Cheyne M.F.A.
1998- present Print Arts Northwest. Portland, OR.
1997- present Los Angeles Print Society. Los Angeles, CA
2013 Close up of Nature. Teton Arts Council. Driggs, ID.
2011 Essence of Place. Cawein Gallery. Forest Grove, OR.
2005 Thoughts and Memories. Print Arts Northwest, Portland OR.
2003 Selected Memories. Cawein Gallery. Forest Grove, OR.
1995 Remembered Prophecies. Cawein Gallery. Forest Grove, OR.
1994 Passages. University of Denver. Denver, CO.
2000 Altered Egos. Cawein Gallery. Forest Grove, OR.
2012 Lines Have Been Drawn. Warner Hall, Pacific University Forest Grove,OR.
1998 Let Nature Take Its Course. Pacific University Arboretum. Forest Grove, OR.
1997 Veils in the Trees. Hoyt Arboretum. Portland, OR.
Veils in the Trees. Pacific University Campus. Forest Grove, OR.
1995 The Cycling Path. Cawein Gallery. Forest Grove, OR.
2014 - Artist Book Cornucopia. Abecedarian Gallery.Denver, CO
- Stories Women Tell. Cawein Gallery,Forest Grove, OR
2013 - Temptation. University Print Society. Ames, IA.
- The Drive Home, Robert Blackburn. Printmaking Workshop, New York, NY
- Print Exchange, Graphic Arts Workshop. San Francisco, CA.
2012 - Alumni Show, University of Hartford. Hartford, CT.
- Out of the Woods, Print Arts NW. Portland OR.
- The Bundling Project. Teton Arts Council. Driggs, ID.
2011 - All PAN Members Show. Atelier 600. Bend, OR.
- If We Shadows. Gallery 114. Portland, OR.
- Sketchbook Project. Brooklyn, NY.
2010 - Print Arts NW Show. Auckland, New Zealand
- Print Zero 7x10 Print Exchange. Seattle, WA.
- International Mail Art. Caldwell Gallery. Pasadena CA.
- Print Show. NW Resource Federal Credit Union. Portland, OR.
2009 - The Nest Project. Cawein Gallery. Forest Grove, OR.
- Seaside Art Gallery Print Show. Seaside, OR.
- Art Faculty Exhibition. Cawein Gallery. Forest Grove, OR.
- Faculty & Staff Exhibition. Cawein Gallery. Forest Grove, OR.
- Naked Books. Sandy 23 Gallery. Portland Or.
- Focus on Books Exhibition. Beaverton Library, Beaverton, OR.
2008 - Portland- Nicosia Print Project. Opus 39 Gallery, Nicosia, Cyprus.
- Maternal Legends. Gallery 23 Sandy, Portland, OR.
- Print Show. Studio 889, Brooklyn, N.Y.
- Los Angeles Printmaker Show. Los Angeles, CA
- Washington Convention and Trade Center Print Show, Seattle, WA.
2007 - International Print Project. Print Arts NW. Jordanian National Gallery. Amman, Jordan.
- Print Zero Exchange. Print Walls Gallery. University of Wisconsin, Madison WI.
- OSU Cascade Print Exchange. Oregon State University Corvallis, OR.
- “Pulp, Press and Print for Democracy”. Longwood, University Farmville, Virgina
2006 - OSU Cascade Print Exchange. OSU Dept. of Art Corvallis, OR.
- Print Zero Exchange. Basil Hallward Gallery, Powell’s Bookstore, Portland OR.
2005 - Happily Ever After Said press. Philadelphia, PA.
- Prints in the Pearl Print Arts Northwest. Portland, OR.
- Wild, Wild, West. International Print Exhibit. Tucson AZ.
2004 - Traveling Book Show. Guild of Book Workers. NW x SE.
2003 - Secrets. Iifant Press. Philadelphia, PA.
- The Book, Print and Time. Cawein Gallery. Forest Grove OR.
- Print Show. Southern Oregon University Gallery. Ashland, OR.
2002 - Mobilivre-Bookmobile. Traveling Book Show. Philadelphia, PA.
- Print Show. Carnegie Art Center. Oregon City, OR.
2001 - Crossing Boundaries. Northwest Pacific Art College. Portland, OR.
- NW Print Council Show Evergreen College Gallery, Olympia, WA.
- Faculty as Artist Show. Grant Pass Museum of Art. Grant Pass, Or.
1999 - Alumni Show Joseloff Gallery. Hartford, CT.
- LAPS Presses for the Cure.Old Town Gallery. Tustin, CA.
- Northwest Print Council. Portland OR.
1998 - Words and Images Cawein Gallery. Forest Grove, OR.
- Art Show Senator Elizabeth Furse Office Gallery, Portland, OR
1997 - Special Show Art in the Pearl, Portland OR.
- New Member's Show.Northwest Print Council, Portland OR.
- Print Show. New York City National Office Gallery, New York,
- Los Angeles Printmaking Society Membership Show Brand Library Art Galleries, Glendale, CA.
1996 - Women and Spirituality. Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, Portland OR.
- Cascade Aids Project Art Auction. Sakes Fifth Avenue, Portland OR.
- Dollwachy. Silverton Art Center, Silverton, OR.
- Remembrance. Mira Costa College, Oceanside, CA.
- Spirit Dolls and Fetishes Cawein Gallery, Forest Grove OR.
2007 Jordan National Art Collection. Amman, Jordan.
2005 Buck Nin School of Art. Manukau, New Zealand
Arts Workshop Center. Willoughgy, Australia.
University of Arizona Tucson, AZ.
2000 Gilkey Print Collection. Portland Art Museum.
1993 Ephemera Print Exchange.
1992 Border to Border III Print Portfolio.
1992 Minneapolis Institute of Art.
2006 Faculty Development Grant. Forest Grove, OR
2005 Washington C. Arts Heritage & Humanities Coalition. Hillsboro, OR
2002 Faculty Development Grant. Forest Grove, OR
1999 Faculty Development Grant. Forest Grove, OR.
2014 Curator, Stories Women Tell. Cawein Gallery. Pacific University, Forest, Grove , OR
2013 Curator, Fiber Arts Today. Cawein Gallery. PacificUinversity, Forest Grove, OR
2011 Curator Print Arts Northwest Show, Cawein Gallery Pacific University, Forest Grove, OR.
2005-2010 Curator of Permanent Art Collection. Pacific University, Forest Grove, OR
1999 Curator, Along the Wastes of Eden. Art by Katherine Ace. Cawein Gallery
1998 Curator, Eritera with Love, art works of Betty LaDuke. Cawein Gallery, Forest Grove OR.
1996 Juror, National Women's Caucus for Art Show, Litman Gallery, Portland, OR.
Curator, Cawein Gallery, Pacific University. Forest Grove OR. Spirit Dolls and Fetish Show.
Gallery speaker. Cawein Gallery. Pacific University. Forest Grove, OR.
2004 Critical Analysis for Art Experience text. Wadsworth/Thomson Pub.
2003 Web Study Guide. For Understanding Art text. Wadsworth/Thomson Pub.
2000 Art in the Elementary School Textbook. University of Colorado.
Continuing Independent Study Program. Boulder,CO
2001 Basic Drawing Textbook. Continuing Education Independent
StudyProgram. University of Colorado. Boulder, CO.
1997- present Northwest Print Council
1993 - present Los Angeles Printmakers Society.
1990 –2013 College Art Association.
2008-2013 College Book Art Association
1994-2014 Pacific University. Forest Grove, OR. Professor Emeritus of Printmaking, Drawing, Book
Arts, Letterpress, Design, Art History Foundation, Women Art, and Art Education, Fiber Arts. Tenured Full Professor.
1991- present University of Colorado, Continuing Education Department.
Instructor evaluating studio arts lessons and papers in the "Art in the Elementary Classroom" and "Basic Drawing" courses.
1993- 1994 Colorado State University. Fort Collins, CO. Instructor Art History and Art Appreciation courses.
1989-1994 Aims Community College. Greeley, CO. Instructor of Printmaking,
Drawing, Painting and Art Appreciation courses.
1991 -1992 University of Colorado. Boulder, CO. Graduate teacher of Art History
and Basic Drawing.
1992 M.F.A. Terminal degree in Interdisciplinary studies (drawing, printmaking and women studies) University of Colorado. Boulder, CO.
1988 M.A.L.S. Graduate Degree in art history. Wesleyan University. Middletown, CT
1978 B.F.A, Undergraduate degree in art education. University of Hartford. Hartford, CT.